Across our campus community, who among us does not seek and create? Seek insights; interrogate existing structures and systems; search for cures, solutions, justice. Create models and prototypes; generate ideas; envision beyond what is already given. We often refer to such activities as “research” but are we not also describing the practice of art? As a follow-up to our pioneering 2023 Research and the Artistic (Im)pulse event, in April 2025 we are hosting two panel symposia that will situate art, scholarship, science, and engineering as miscible practices rather than divisions of discipline. The through-lines for these panels will be Architecture on April 11, and Reframing on April 25. Please join us to learn about the transformative work of our invited speakers and their imbricate aims, values, and methods.
Research and the Artistic Impulse: Architecture
Friday, April 11, 2-5:45PM
Mackenzie Room
Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center
Amanda Williams
John Ochsendorf
Ronald Rael
Research and the Artistic Impulse: Reframing
Friday, April 25, 2-5:45PM
Bechtel Conference Center
616 Jane Stanford Way
Gala Porras-Kim
Natalie Gosnell
Gerardo Aldana

Stanford Arts Institute