Application materials
Written responses:
- Short abstract: 3-5 sentence summary of your proposal. Students applying as a team can use the same abstract in their applications.
- Project proposal explaining the concept for the interdisciplinary thesis project: what is the project, and why is it important? Details should include scope, timeline and intended outcome. The proposal should describe what disciplines are involved in the project and why it cannot be completed in your major department. Finally, the proposal should address the relevance of Honors in the Arts to your education at Stanford. If you are applying as part of a team, the proposal should highlight your individual contribution and should therefore differ from your partner's proposal, even if there is some overlap. (500 words)
- Evidence of interdisciplinary preparation, including a description of your background in the disciplines upon which your project draws and a list of at least 3 courses that prepare you for the project. (250 words) Need help choosing courses? Check out our Interdisciplinary Arts Course Guide and Creative Course Guide.
- Statement on program fit: why is HIA the right program for you and your project? (250 words)
Uploaded material:
- Unofficial transcript.
- Link to a portfolio of relevant work (as a Google drive - please adjust share settings prior to submission). The details for the portfolio vary depending on a student's main medium of expression. If the following limits present a significant obstacle, please contact Jessi Pipert.
- Creative writers should submit work that best exemplifies their strengths as a writer. Most writers submit about 12 pages of prose, 5-7 poems, or a short scene from a play, depending on the proposed project.
- Artists working in visual, audio, or other forms of visual or digital media should submit work that most exemplifies their strengths in the relevant form. The committee will accept the following: up to 5 images (compiled in a single PDF file), 5 minutes of video or audio, PDFs, and linked external media (such as YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud).
- Performing artists should submit any relevant media that showcases their strengths as a performer. This is typically a short reel, production photos, or an excerpt from a recent performance. If such material is not available, the committee will accept an artist statement (not to exceed 3 pages).
- The name and contact of a faculty member or instructor who has agreed to complete a Reference Form (info sheet here). Once you enter their contact details in the application, a link to the form will be sent automatically.
- An Advisor Consent Form, due April 16, 2025, and submitted via email to
The deadline to apply to the 2025-26 Honors in the Arts Cohort is April 4, 2025.
Proposal Workshop
Join us for an online Proposal Writing Workshop on Thursday, March 6 @ 12:30 PM
Info Session
Join us for an online Info Session on Tuesday, March 11 @ 12:30 PM
Eligibility requirements
- Stanford senior during the 2025-2026 academic year, with ability to enroll in all three quarters of the ARTINST 201 workshop
- A minimum overall GPA of 3.4
- Completion of at least three creative/artistic courses that prepare the student to successfully execute an interdisciplinary thesis project (at least two of which should be completed prior to autumn of senior year)
Admission to the program is competitive.
We realize that many students have taken Leave at some point during the recent academic years and therefore occupy an ambiguous status between junior and senior. If you plan to graduate after spring 2026, but prior to spring 2027, you are still eligible to apply for the 2025-2026 HIA cohort.
Please note: In order to be eligible for the Honors in the Arts program, students may not have their undergraduate degree conferred before spring quarter of the workshop year. This also applies to students in coterminal masters programs. All requirements for an IHN must be completed as part of your undergraduate career.

Stanford Arts Institute