The 2022-23 Arts + Justice Student Grant funded twenty students (four collaborative projects, sixteen individual projects) engaged in creative pursuits around questions of art and justice. This year’s cohort includes both undergraduate and graduate students who work in an array of mediums and forms, including painting, sculpture, creative writing, VR and immersive film, photography, mixed media installation, and textiles. Highlights from this year’s cohort include multi-media installations exploring themes of migration and citizenship, sculptures addressing carceral feminism in South Asian form, a ‘zine to address issues of discrimination in healthcare, an interactive VR and immersive film that allows participants to experience the journey of a honey bee; a collection of 35mm photographs and an auditory installation addressing the effects of the pandemic on Chinese-owned restaurants. Many projects collaborated closely with community partners to embed their work beyond the Stanford ecosphere.
The student cohort also received the support of an expanded workshop program, led by graduate student coordinator Shacon Jones (Ph.D. Candidate in Theater and Performance Studies). The monthly roundtable sessions enabled students to share their projects, provide peer feedback, and build a justice-oriented artistic community. In addition to the roundtable sessions, the grantees participated in a series of cohort activities including an artist statement workshop with artist Erina Alejo and a presentation by Luke Williams, Ph.D. candidate in Modern Thought & Literature at Stanford University on the intersections of art and justice.

PABLO TUT & CACHORRA COLLECTIVE | Cachorra: Organs without body

LAURA VILLALOBOS | Living Undocumented


SYDNEY REESE | love + ecowomanisms
GWENDOLYN LIU & RACHEL WANG | Uncovering the Arboretum