Campus Stories - Ram's Head Theatrical Society

Campus Stories

Ram’s Head brings The Addams Family, living, dead and undecided, to Stanford

From casting to set design, Stanford’s Ram’s Head Theatrical Society takes advantage of the diverse talent on campus to present their perennial spring musical. This year’s production is The Addams Family. The Addams Family musical takes the humorously macabre characters drawn by cartoonist Charles Addams and places them in an original story on stage. Wednesday Addams, a…

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Campus Stories

President Tatertot-Lasagna saves Gaieties from the evil Oski

Surprise cameo appearances by university administrators have come to be a tradition for Gaieties, the annual student-written, musical extravaganza that makes fun of all things Cal. The Gaieties performance, produced by Ram’s Head, takes place in the week leading up to Big Game and is one of many events meant to rouse school spirit. Last week,…

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