Campus Stories - Campus Life

A sneak peek at Lisa’s workspace in her dorm room as she works on inking a page of her comic on her iPad.

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2022-23

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford campus. Projects included dance, conference programming, film, creative retreat, theater productions, wood carving, and shoe design work. AY23 Awarded Projects: Student Arts Grants for VSOs Student Arts Grants for Individual Students (Maker Micro Grant)

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a group of students standing in front of a yellow table with zines and artwork.

artsCatalyst Grants 2022-23

During the 2022-23 academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 58 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area arts venues, guest speakers (in-person and virtual), and workshops with guest artists. The grants…

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Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2021-22

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of virtual and remote student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford community. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community. Aligned with Stanford policies, the VPA continues…

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Students in Light, Color & Space (CEE 32F) tour artist Jim Campbell’s studio in San Francisco.

artsCatalyst Grants 2021-22

This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 63 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included a mix of in-person, hybrid, and virtual experiences. 2021-22 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Revolution in 17th- and 18th-Century…

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Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2020-21

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of virtual and remote student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford community. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community. Aligned with Stanford policies, the VPA continues…

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16 Zoom boxes of students

artsCatalyst Grants 2020-21

This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 58 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. All of the activities took place in the virtual environment. 2020-21 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients An Artist’s Life: Diverse Voices and Changing Contexts…

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artsCatalyst Grants 2019-20

This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 33 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area cultural organizations, workshops with visiting artists, and attending performances. 2019-20 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients Why is Climate Change…

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Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2019-20

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford campus. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community.  Students and their project teams represented a wide range of…

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Creative agency during a pandemic

Artists have faced constraints that affected their ability to practice their craft throughout history. The limitations artists currently face due to COVID-19—from a lack of access to concert halls and theaters to the inability to collaborate freely with others in person—are not necessarily new. Yet they also pose an opportunity for creative growth, according to…

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Humanities at home

What has been on the minds of Stanford professors as they navigate this turbulent and anxious time? Where do they find comfort and solace, challenge and struggle, beauty and grace? While many aspects of campus life are now mediated through a computer screen, the extended time apart has offered us a rare chance to hear from faculty informally,…

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Stanford Repertory Theater commemorates Juneteenth with livestreamed reading of Vincent Terrell Durham play

Stanford Repertory Theater (SRT) is one of three dozen theater companies co-presenting a Juneteenth reading of Vincent Terrell Durham’s play Polar Bears, Black Boys & Prairie Fringed Orchids. The reading will be livestreamed via Zoom at 7 p.m. PT on June 19 in recognition of Juneteenth, which commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States. Polar Bears,…

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Staff and students collaborate to showcase student art

This year’s Spring Art Fair, like most campus events, is virtual by necessity. Initially conceived as an exhibition in Roble Arts Gym organized by the Office of the Vice President for the Arts (VPA) and the student group Professional Art Society of Stanford (PASS), the fair is now a virtual experience. Claudia Dorn, VPA manager…

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Student winners of the Stanford Concerto Competition play on

Earlier this year, sophomores ADDISON JADWIN and ETHAN CHI won the annual Stanford Concerto Competition. The sophomores planned to perform concertos with the Stanford Symphony Orchestra (SSO) this year, but the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted those plans. Jadwin and Chi. (Image credit: Adriana Ramirez Mirabal) Jadwin was to perform the Walton Viola Concerto this quarter and Chi planned to perform the…

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“Here and Elsewhere,” a virtual exhibition and tour

Here and Elsewhere highlights the work of sixteen graduating students of art practice. During this unprecedented time, students have continued their studies from as far away as New York, Ohio, Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Florida. With impressive resoluteness, they have continued to push forward to make the works presented in this exhibition. Using the 3D modeling program SketchUp to…

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Solidarity, anguish and action

With yet another Black person, George Floyd, killed at the hands of the police, all across this country protestors have swarmed into streets, risking disease and death. When the words of a people are consistently unheard, their bodies will speak. They will march on the streets, they will declare their pain, and they will make…

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Stanford’s art museums present new digital teaching resources

Each year hundreds of classes and thousands of students and scholars from across campus rely on the Cantor Arts Center and Anderson Collection at Stanford University for access to the art, artists and ideas comprising more than 40,000 objects in the museums’ collections. Though there is no substitute for experiencing art in person, the Cantor and Anderson Collection are…

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