Stephen Sansom (foreground) with Alan Sheppard, Scott Arcenas, Michael Vang and David Driscoll rehearsing the contemporary presentation of Cyclops.
SCIT presents Euripides’ Cyclops
A spectacle of song and dance meets a hipster-riff on an old Classic with Brooklyn flair and skinny jeans. We’re doing it before it gets cool…
Otis and Us of Ithaca, New York, are like any old band touring the Williamsburg circuit. They’re tearing up stages, bagging chicks, and rolling their own fair-trade tobacco cigarettes all while keeping to a strict locavore, vegan, paleo-diet.
Worn and exhausted from their most recent conquests at Coachella, the merry band of brooding hipsters gets lost on their journey home and ends up on star-studded Sunset Boulevard in the lair of Polly Famous, the infamous Hollywood man-eater. Our heroes only ask for some gas and a few munchies, but Polly Famous has other things on her mind, some fresh longpig perhaps?
Will the band be able to get back home? Can the power of irony snatch them from the jaws of the one-eyed Polly Famous? Will the Greek chorus of frat boys and sorority girls be any use at all? Or will Earth lose God’s gift to humanity as they are doomed to be wasted on Sunset Boulevard forever?
About SCIT
Stanford Classics in Theater (SCIT) is a graduate-student theater group dedicated to promoting understanding of Greek and Roman drama through translation and performance. SCIT aims to bring together students from various academic backgrounds and interests, primarily among the graduate students of the Department of Classics, but also including undergraduates, faculty and others from the broader Stanford community. See www.scit.stanford.edu for further information.
May 23, 24, 25 at 8pm
Toyon Hall, Main Lounge
Free with SUID, suggested $5 donation otherwise
Please note that the play contains language and themes not suitable for all audiences, unaccompanied minors will not be admitted. For ticket reservations contact ashep@stanford.edu