Artwork inspired by MRI brain scans installed at Stanford imaging center

Clay wall sculptures, etchings and acrylics, inspired by images of the human brain, make up a new art installation at the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging.

Art and science meet in a new installation of clay sculptures, etchings and acrylics at the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging. The pieces by artist Laura Jacobson, a Stanford alumna, are inspired by MRIs of the human brain and reflect the work of the center to investigate connections between neuroscience and society. The center,…

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This is your brain on Jane Austen, and Stanford researchers are taking notes

Researchers observe the brain patterns of literary PhD candidates while they're reading a Jane Austen novel. The fMRI images suggest that literary reading provides "a truly valuable exercise of people's brains."

The inside of an MRI machine might not seem like the best place to cozy up and concentrate on a good novel, but a team of researchers at Stanford are asking readers to do just that. In an innovative interdisciplinary study, neurobiological experts, radiologists and humanities scholars are working together to explore the relationship between…

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