artsCatalyst Grants 2018-19
This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 27 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area cultural organizations, workshops with visiting artists, and attending performances.
2018-19 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients
Interpreting Art (ITALIC 92), Karla Oeler (ITALIC)
The American West (AMSTUD 124A/ARTHIST 152/ENGLISH 124/HISTORY 151/POLISCI 124A), Bruce Cain and David Freyberg (American Studies)
Creative Expression in Writing (ENGLISH 9CE), Nicholas Friedman (Creative Writing)
Writing Home (ENGLISH 191T), Nicholas Friedman (Creative Writing)
Painting: Architecture in the Environment (CEE 133H), Michael Azgour (Architectural Design)
Creative Writing and Science: The Artful Interpreter (BIOHOPK 157H/ENGLISH 157H), Sara Michas-Martin (Creative Writing)
The Art and Science of Gender and its Bending (PWR 1IYA), Irena Ilieva Yamboliev (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
Body Rhetoric (PWR 2SCB), Selby Wynn Schwartz (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
The Rhetoric of Public Art (PWR 1SC), Selby Wynn Schwartz (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
A Rebel With A Cause: The Rhetoric of Giving a Damn (PWR 2KTA), Kathleen Tarr (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
The Ethics of Stewardship (EARTHSYS 136), Liz Carlisle (Earth Systems)
Acting for Non Majors (TAPS 124D), Kay Kostopoulos Amarotico (Theater & Performance Studies)
Cross-Cultural Rhetorics (PWR 1SEA), Samah Elbelazi (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar (AFRICAAM 200X), Nicole Marie Brown (African and African-American Studies)
Second-Year Spanish Language Classes, Emphasis on Service Learning (11SL, 12SL, 13SL), Citlali Del Carpio (Language Center)
The Hebrew and Jewish Short Story (COMPLIT 127B/JEWISHST 147B), Vered Shemtov (Comparative Literature)
Shakespeare: The Ethical Challenge (ENGLISH 163D/TAPS 163D), Ivan Lupic (English)
History of Directing (TAPS 153H), Branislav Jakovljevic (Theater & Performance Studies)
Perspectives on American Identity (AMSTUD 160/ENGLISH 165), Judith Richardson (American Studies)
Fiction Writing (ENGLISH 90), Edward Porter (Creative Writing)
Creative Nonfiction (ENGLISH 91), Edward Porter (Creative Writing)
Modernism and Modernity (ARTHIST 147), Nancy Troy (Art & Art History)
Short Story Salon (ENGLISH 190S), Harriet Clark & Sarah Frisch (Creative Writing)
From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco (URBANST 150/AMSTUD 150X/HISTORY 252E), Michael Kahan (Urban Studies)
Picturing Performance (MUSIC 102), Carol Vernallis (Music)
Re-Make It Anew: The Rhetoric of Adapting, Rebooting, and Remaking (PWR 2BRC), Becky Richardson (Program in Writing and Rhetoric)
Harlem Renaissance (ENGLISH 152G), Michele Elam (English)