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Stanford Arts - Momentum


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  • Stanford Oceans Society, "Ocean Art Gallery"
  • Photo: Alli Armstrong

    Still from Cardinal Studios' "Delivery"
  • Photo: Frank Chen

    Stanford Theater Lab, "Angels in America Part I: Millenium Approaches"
  • Stanford Storyboard Club, "Rebeginning: a showcase of multimodal sequential art"
  • Photo: Toren Forensdal

    Stanford Bhangra
  • Photo: Wendy Goldberg

    Tamu Adumer, "Assimilation"
  • Photo: Sophia Kivelson

    Cardinal Calypso ft. Talisman, "Sharing Culture, Sharing Strength: Hurricane Relief Benefit Concert"
  • Photo: Andre Cornman

    Shin Mei Chan and Sophia Xiao, "Cutting Deep: An Exhibition on the Exploration of Art and Medicine"
  • Photo: Robert Shi

    Angelica Previte, "The Seven Deadly Sins, Live and In Concert"
  • Photo: Malcolm Lizzappi

    Xavier Fields and Julie Fukunaga, "Recorder Choir Project"
  • Photo: Kadin Henry Hendricks

    Diego Hernandez ('18) conducting the orchestra for Stanford Light Opera Company's "Magic Flute"
  • Photo: Eric Rawn

    Eric Rawn and Alex Lin, "Enchanted Spaces"
  • Photo: Frank Chen

    Asian American Theater Project, "The Last Five Years"
  • Photo: Michael Anthony Spencer

    BLACKstage, "The Wiz"
  • Photo: Malcolm Lizzappi

    Asian American Students Association, Launch of "Immigration Narratives Zine"
  • Photo: Sarah Ondak

    Stanford Light Opera Company and Asian American Theater Project, "Phantom of the Opera"
  • David Chao, "Cultural Landscapes: An Examination of Asian Identity"
  • Photo: Matt Shimura

    A student watching Hope Schroeder's VR film, "Journey from Fall to Rise"
  • Photo: Austin Chow

    Asian American Theater Project, "The Chronicles of Kalki"
  • Photo: An Nguyen

    Kayumanggi, "Pilipinx Culture Night 2018"
  • Everyday People, "Spring Show"
  • Photo: Toren Forensdal

    Common Origins, "Breaking Ground 2017"
  • Pajnucci Vue, "Three Farms"
  • dv8, "EnCounter Culture 2018"
  • Photo: Meilan Steimle

    [wit]: a gender critical theater company, "Doctor Voynich and Her Children"
  • Photo: Kadin Hendricks

    Stanford African Students Association, "Cultural Show 2018"

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2017-18

This year’s Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of projects across the Stanford campus. The projects covered many genres including contemporary plays, documentary and fiction film shorts, musical theater, painting, photography, drag performance, and more. Many of this year’s grantees utilized Roble Arts Gym as a rehearsal/work space as well as a venue for their exhibits and performances. All of the projects enlivened the campus by showcasing the multidimensional talent and passion of Stanford students.

2017-18 Projects:


Angelica Previte, The Seven Deadly Sins, Live And In Concert*

Xavier Fields and Julie Fukunaga, Recorder Choir Project

Asian American Theater Project, The Chronicles of Kalki* and The Last Five Years*

Common Origins, Breaking Ground 2017*

[wit], Doctor Voynich and Her Children

Freeks, Give Face

Stanford Drag Troupe, Silicone Valley

Stanford Light Opera Company, The Magic Flute and The Phantom of the Opera*

Stanford Noopur, Spring Showcase

Daniel Hills-Bunnell, Kari Wadden, Tess Rialdo, and Maya Burke, Pop Dentistry

Jason McRuer and Ali Anglin, Trees for my Daughters

Alliance Streetdance, Hipnotized 2018*

BLACKstage Theater Company, The Wiz: The Super Soul Musical*

Cardinal Calypso, Sharing Culture, Sharing Strength: Hurricane Relief Benefit Concert*

Dv8, Encounter Culture 2018*

Kayumanggi, Pilipinx Cultural Night 2018*

Stanford Improvisors, Spontaneous Broadway: Valentine’s Edition*

Stanford Vietnamese Student Association, Culture Night 2018*

Talisman, Spring Showcase*

Cardinal Studios, Cardboard Therapy

Everyday People, Spring Show

Fleet Street, Spring Show

XTRM, Stanford XTRM Cover Project: Connecting People through Kpop and Dance

Stewart Gray III, What This Place Meant

Stanford African Student Association, Cultural Show*

Stanford Gospel Choir, Spring Show*

Stanford Bhangra, Bhangra Blowout

* also a Creative Spaces Grant recipient 


Maker Grant

Eric Rawn and Alex Lin, Enchanted Spaces: Visualizing music, data, and information

Stanford Storyboard Club, Rebeginninging  : a showcase of multimodal sequential art

Kristel Bugayong, Going Home

Victoria Yuan, Open Me

Tamu Adumer, Assimilation

David Chao, Cultural Landscapes: An Examination of Asian Identity*

Pajnucci Vue, 3 Farmers*

Stanford Oceans Society, Oceans Art Display

Mark Ferguson, Magic Marbled Silks

Junha Hwang, All Around Us

Cathy Yang, Our Faces

Asian American Students Association, Immigration Narratives: Advancing Our Movement*

Shin Mei Chan and Sophia Xiao, Cutting Deep: An Exhibition on the Exploration of Art and Medicine

Lora Supandi, Colors of Athena

* also a Creative Spaces Grant recipient 


Creative Spaces

Hope Schroeder, Journey from Fall to Rise

Ali Anglin and Clarissa Carter, Petty

Cardinal Studios, Cardinal Studios Fall Film Premiere

Everyday People, 30th Anniversary Reunion Show

Stanford Theater Laboratory, Angels in America Part I: Millenium Approaches

MINT Magazine, MINT Magazine Publication


An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. This piece intends to instill a sense of curious serenity.


Digital Visual Art

By '19

Eyes Over

This piece emerged from a desire to merge figurative and abstract forms. (there are some flaws in the .jpg, if needed I can retake pictures)


Acrylic on Canvas

By '20

Don’t Stare

This work centers on the relationship between the human and the artificial, inspired when I photographed my cousin with a stark, artificial flash.


Oil and Acrylic Paint on Canvas

By '26

Light Shower

A light spring shower wakes the soul.
Inspired by the Adobe MAX + Inktober 2018 October 15th Prompt: light.



By '19


An observational abstract of seaweed washing onto a beach, brought in by the tide. 24″ x 30″.


Oil paint on canvas

By '20

Looking Up

Taken while walking in my hometown of Washington, D.C.



By '21


This drawing for me is meant to capture some of the dynamic processes I have witnesses in the Cosmos.


Watercolor and black ink

By '19

Beyond the Window

The girl who depicts prosperity is looking beyond her world into one that’s suppressed by indigence, because to solve a problem you must face it.


acrylic on canvas

By '22

Coronavirus, Capitalism, and Connectivity: Monochroming what was once in Colour

Representation of an Asian woman navigating a worldwide pandemic, situated in the centre of racial prejudice, capitalism, & social media connectivity.


Scanned magazine collage, colour pencils, and pen on Sketchbook

By '22

She’ll make it.

Silhouette of a black woman, breathing her way through.


Acrylic on Canvas

By '23

Life Like Weeds nos. 2 & 3… Archimedean Solids or The Passage from Virgin to Bride… Eternal Sunshine or The Bride Laid Upon the Altar… In Fifteen Minutes Everyone Will Be Famous

These works were primarily crafted from fashion, science, and interior design magazines ranging from the early 90s to present.


Collage, ink pen

By '20


v.c.a – an ongoing project and exploration of visual communication through abstraction

Link to Website


Graphic Design

By '20

The Quad

Quad is always changing amazingly.



By '18

Joshua Tree

A Joshua Tree, with its grotesque appearance, instantly demands attention.


Photograph of Landscape

By '21


Western media creates unrealistic expectations of perfection in avocados. In this painting, I seek to challenge and redefine avocado beauty standards.


Oil on canvas

By '20

Digital Art

I painted a face digitally, and I like frames, angels, and rocket ships.


Digital Art

By '20

Portrait of a Glass, Empty (2020); Barriers (2021)

Two paintings exploring emptiness and isolation, and confronting feelings of lack of control during the early stages of the pandemic.


Acrylic on canvas, some collage from a news story

By '21


A surreal portrayal of the cost of modern designer fashion culture.



By '20


This piece is a manifestation of the growth and maturity, both physically and mentally, found in adolescence. It mimics the flowering of youth.


Photograph of a physical collage (paper, printed image)

By '22


This piece is a portrait of a friend that overlays an island near the Philippines that has a deep personal association for her from her time there.


Oil Paint on Canvas

By '19
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