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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Computer Science HCI 2021 @zephybite
This self portrait addresses my invisible disability and the words around me are a mix of medical statements and emotional entries from my journal.
Graphite on Paper
This is a painting of a memory of a moment of me and my boyfriend in his hot tub, right before he told me he loved me for the first time.
Oil Paint on Canvas
A vivid rainbow above the hoover tower
Photograph of nature
A portrait of a good dog who has traveled a very long way.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
This interactive poem takes the shape of a kimchi jar and symbolizes my separation and recent reunion and celebration of my Korean identity.
Link to Website
3D Arduino installation, interactive poetry
A colorful view of buildings and the sky over Florence (Firenze).
A projection of water drapes over a foot, the painting interweaves the physical and digital sensation.
Oil on canvas
An exploration of nature’s healing power as an avenue for escapism and introspection.
Ballpoint and pencil on paper
Who are our parents before our births? I wanted to use painting to meditate on loss concretized as memory.
Oil on Canvas
cloudy with a chance of love
Digital illustration
In a pre-show photoshoot for my roommate’s student classical Indian dance ensemble, Noopur, she “breaks character” during a pose.
The security blanket is a metaphor for something we cling to when we are afraid and how it is something we must learn to let it go.
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. This piece intends to instill a sense of curious serenity.
Digital Visual Art
This is a picture a created from 40 raw pictures I took of the same fruit cup. Compiling all 40 images into one allowed me to show everything in focus
Digital Photograph
This is a surreal meditation on nature’s comforting power as a sanctuary for people in need of healing.
Pencil on paper
I painted this painting following the death of my dog. Sourcing imagery from cheap print and Southern nostalgia, Lassie paints a scene of rebirth.
I took this photo at the Palo Alto Caltrain station in the fall. I used black ink and a black and white filter to provide an “outside of time” look.
Video edited from found footage reflecting on the repetition, absurdity, and futility of everyday life. Duration: 05:05
Video Art
This piece depicts how the new digital, photo-sharing era fetishizes Asian women against their will, especially in their traditional attire.
Linoleum Block Print on Paper
This 3D, interactive piece represents my relationship with my immigrant other due to the shifting pressures of assimilation.
Interactive 3D animation installation