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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Computer Science HCI 2021 @zephybite
A study of a tree for Drawing I in charcoal, exploring silhouettes and shading.
Charcoal on Paper
A sketched self-portrait replaced into its photographic context.
Graphite on Paper, Photograph
These monotype prints are based on historical photos of imperial palaces in Beijing, my hometown.
monotype on paper
I spent 26 days backpacking through Death Valley. When water is scarce, life harder yet more simple, what matters most becomes evident.
Link to Website
song / soundscape
A self-portrait composed of identity objects: rings from my mother, the teapot on my coffee table, the graphic on my favorite t-shirt, etc.
Digital Collage
Taken while walking in my hometown of Washington, D.C.
This image plays with scale, texture, and the physicality of water.
Color Film
Quad is always changing amazingly.
I wanted to render a tree during a vibrant morning on The Farm from a design perspective.
Ink Resist
Taken in Alberta, Canada. My hope is not to showcase landscapes but to acknowledge that Earth’s beauty surrounds us.