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Saturday, October 26
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Elaine Park '21
cloudy with a chance of love
Digital illustration
By Elaine Park '21
Girl restrains her tears for, hopefully, the last time.
Our limbs perform so many tasks yet we rarely take a moment to recognize the inner workings that make these movements possible.
Link to Website
Acrylic tube, yarn, metal hardware, wood, epoxy resin
Rendering of a modern jazz pavilion, referencing the visual skeleton chord structure of jazz compositions.
Digital Rendering
A three panel survey of a new environment.
Acrylic on Canvas (Three 5ft x 4ft panels) 60 x 144 in
Hide my anger behind flowers // my anxiety behind moths // my sadness behind ▓▓▓
I created a visual representation of the concept of ‘truth’ in a minimalistic style represented by the light and woman’s bare shoulders.
Acrylic paint on canvas
Man passing through a quickly gentrifying neighborhood in Paris. The text reads “it is dark (or literally, black) in the country of lights.”
Photograph of Man in Paris
Original cover art for the Stanford Daily’s Vol. 257 autumn quarter issue.
Digital Illustration
This song is a unique take on John Coltrane’s ‘Impressions’ in terms of instrumentation, style, and genre.
Guitar recording with electronic drums and synths
In a knife fight, two versions of me grapple and wrestle for control, but both end up symmetrically and simultaneously triumphant and defeated.
Oil paint on found wood
“Alien Species” is a browser-based walking tour of the non-native tree species present on Stanford’s campus.
Interactive HTML-coded website designed for viewing on a mobile device
“Ritual” is an unfinished game prototype that is one piece of a meta-narrative that unfolds as the viewer explores the file directory containing it.
Interactive narrative horror game/file explorer experience
At Bay is a student-created web series about the launch of a Stanford startup that goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Still from a web series
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring IntroSem students and Continuing Studies students.
Impressions of animal magnetism and the collective unconscious.
Digital Visual Art
Both works are depictions of traditional Catholic religious figures figured through an assemblage of inanimate objects.
Graphite and watercolor on paper
Two paintings exploring emptiness and isolation, and confronting feelings of lack of control during the early stages of the pandemic.
Acrylic on canvas, some collage from a news story
This means “my cabbage” in Russian, and the word also means “money”. This was inspired by a photo from r/peopleofwalmart.
Digital Art
A study on ephemeral hands, and an attempt to capture desperate grasping.
Gesso on card.
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a IntroSem student of the course.