Thursday, October 10
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Biology 2020
This series utilizes seemingly arbitrary visual imagery overlaid onto written stream of consciousness to evoke imaginations of trauma and healing.
Charcoal and Ink on Toned Paper
This piece was inspired by the many rooftop cafes and stunning views of the Bosphorus River while I was exploring Istanbul on a summer vacation.
Adobe Photoshop Illustration
I wanted to render a tree during a vibrant morning on The Farm from a design perspective.
Ink Resist
Taken at Baylands Nature Preserve during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a student and a community member.
These pictures were taken during a neurosurgery at Stanford’s Lucile Packard Children hospital.
Digital photography
A colorful view of buildings and the sky over Florence (Firenze).
Oil Paint on Canvas
I drew some random kid I found on a Youtube thumbnail. I think it was an Omeleto video.
Colored Pencil on Paper, Digital
Oh! The Puppet Show begins! Here I am the puppet master presenting the BOSP Poland Overseas Seminar with my puppet show I made entirely from scratch!
Link to Website
Photograph of Performance
A medium exploration of painting on windows screens.
window screens, oil paint
Night is when the imagination comes alive.
Digital Illustration