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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
human biology 2017 @kinjalvasavada
Body painting is used to simulate the patient-doctor relationship. Imagery is inspired by anatomy and the model’s bodily experiences.
Link to Website
Body Paint on Skin
This drawing is a representation of a fractal called a Julia set, which has been rendered out of plants and other organic elements.
Markers on paper
A Joshua Tree, with its grotesque appearance, instantly demands attention.
Photograph of Landscape
Not sure if this counts, but I created a Stanford logo made from many smaller photos. I can make another one, from more interesting photos.
Digital Photograph
A vivid rainbow above the hoover tower
Photograph of nature
An abstract piece with a collage element, created from splicing a collaborative image. It invokes a sense of depth and the condensation of space.
Oil paint and paper on paper
This piece explores gender. On the left are stereotypically feminine things, on the right masculine, and in the middle a “beautiful” mix of the two.
Photograph/Scanned Image
A contrast between the cold, grayish tones of the subject and the warmer ones of the koi fish as the two tones mesh following the flow of the fish.
Oil Paint on Canvas
Interrogating the digital footprint created when heteropatriarchy, hypermasculinity, and social media co-exist.
Video Art
A mother lamb takes gentle care of her newborn.
A watercolor painting of Stanford Campus
Acrylic Painting
August on my family’s ranch in Jalisco, México.
Environmental Photographs
“Alien Species” is a browser-based walking tour of the non-native tree species present on Stanford’s campus.
Interactive HTML-coded website designed for viewing on a mobile device
Mimicking the beauty of bioluminescence.
Digital Photography
A portrait of a good dog who has traveled a very long way.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
This photography series depicts the four indigenous Khmer women at Stanford, invisibility, and the consequent strong community we formed.
Photography Series
Exploring the weary determination of an aged subject shouldering generational burdens. Experimented with earthier and darker tones, deconstruction, an
As a landscape photographer, I like to see things in different light.
Photo with artistic editing
Girl meets whale.
Digital Illustration
Sea Glass is a poem I wrote in high school about fearing going to college. I transformed it into a book with watercolor paintings and text designs.
Art book