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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Film and Media Studies 2020 @majorcahbc
Not sure if this counts, but I created a Stanford logo made from many smaller photos. I can make another one, from more interesting photos.
Digital Photograph
These photos will never be published in a journalistic publication – familiar scenes on campus but different, the other side of palm tree paradise?
Photograph of campus scenes
Photo series capturing California’s landscapes and the impacts of human intervention through 35mm film.
Link to Website
Analog Film
An ode to a few of many meaningful moments shared with friends over a cafe drink – Coffee at Peet’s, Chai by Meyer Green, and Matcha over Zoom.
Gouache on Paper
Both works are depictions of traditional Catholic religious figures figured through an assemblage of inanimate objects.
Graphite and watercolor on paper
This painting is a depiction of my first month here at Stanford.
Water Color on Paper
A fantastical city illustrating a water-based transportation system.
Digital painting
Rendering of a modern jazz pavilion, referencing the visual skeleton chord structure of jazz compositions.
Digital Rendering
The rising sun in the bay turns typically unaesthetic man-made transmission towers into a beautiful contrast of light and dark.
This interactive poem takes the shape of a kimchi jar and symbolizes my separation and recent reunion and celebration of my Korean identity.
3D Arduino installation, interactive poetry
Two paintings exploring emptiness and isolation, and confronting feelings of lack of control during the early stages of the pandemic.
Acrylic on canvas, some collage from a news story
Taken in Alberta, Canada. My hope is not to showcase landscapes but to acknowledge that Earth’s beauty surrounds us.
A study of a tree for Drawing I in charcoal, exploring silhouettes and shading.
Charcoal on Paper
This drawing for me is meant to capture some of the dynamic processes I have witnesses in the Cosmos.
Watercolor and black ink
How do you heal after being discarded?
Acrylic on Canvas
Abstract portrait that transcends the restrictions of the body and provides the opportunity for anyone of any background to identify with the piece.
Acrylic Paint on Wood
This work is a triptych of body parts from several acclaimed works by Renaissance artists. The famous works are reimagined in a modern style.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
A portrait of a good dog.
It’s a shame if you did not get around time to see Hoover Tower in different lights.
Inspired by Stanford’s Romanesque architecture and towering palm trees, I wanted to capture the university’s vibrant energy and beauty.
Digital Illustration