Arts Immersion – New York
This year, the NYC Arts Immersion trip will take place over spring break, March 22 - 29, 2025. To be eligible, students must enroll in ARTINST 11Q: Art in the Metropolis during winter quarter.
Following enrollment in Art in the Metropolis (ARTSINST 11Q) in their winter quarter, students travel to NYC to visit a spectrum of art and performance venues and meet institutional leaders, policy-makers, and art practitioners. On past trips, students have visited museums, galleries, and concert halls; they have seen dance rehearsals, opera, and Broadway shows, and have had the chance to connect with alumni working in the arts. The trip builds on the critical exploration and preparation conducted in Art in the Metropolis. The course and trip will be led by Professor Terry Berlier, a graduate student course assistant, and an SAI staff member. Applications are welcomed from all undergraduate class years and majors.
Applications for the 2024-25 NYC Arts Immersion Program closed on October 25, 2024.
Applicants will be informed about decisions in late November.
Program Details
Accepted applicants for the spring break trip are required to enroll in the winter quarter class Art in the Metropolis (ARTSINST 11Q). If accepted, reserve 3 units of space on your Winter Quarter study list. In the seminar, we will prepare for the diverse experiences the trip affords and develop individual projects related to particular works of art, exhibitions, and performances that we’ll encounter in person during the stay in New York. Class time will be divided between readings, presentations, and one studio based creative project. The urban setting in which the various forms of art are created, presented, and received will form a special point of focus. A principal aim of the seminar will be to develop aesthetic sensibilities through writing critically about and responding creatively to the art that interests and engages us
This course is offered by the Stanford Arts Institute in collaboration with the Introductory Seminars program.
Cost: The total program fee is $2,400 but through the generosity of Stanford friends, all students automatically receive a scholarship to cover the cost. Students participants will be responsible for some minimal on-site costs.
Student Eligibility
- Undergraduate students in any year and any major are welcome to apply.
- Students must enroll in ARTSINST 11Q in Winter quarter.
- Preference will be given to declared InterArts Minors, frosh & sophomores, and students who have not previously participated in an Arts Immersion.
- Students who will be attending SINY in spring 2024 will not be eligible to participate in the NYC Arts Immersion program.
- Students are expected to participate in all activities while in NYC. Unexcused absences will result in no credit and a potential ban from other SAI travel AI programs.
Application Materials:
- an unofficial transcript
- acknowledgement of the conditions of participation
- three short responses (250 words max each) regarding participation in both components of the NYC immersion program (the trip and the seminar). Be specific, give details that illustrate your point, and use full sentences in a unified presentation:
- Please describe why you want to participate in the Art in the Metropolis Introductory Seminar and the NYC trip. Specifically, what do you hope to take away from the experience?
- If selected to participate, what would you contribute to the cohort? Possible topics to consider include: previous academic experience, personal and cultural background, long-term or recently discovered interests, etc.
- Group travel requires a unique level of participation and engagement beyond the expectations of a traditional classroom setting. How do you best connect to new people and environments? How would you help create an enriching artistic and scholarly community, and what do you need in order to do so?

Stanford Arts Institute