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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Political Science 2019 @rjwillscheidt
Taken on a Sophomore College trip to Tanzania, a Maasai junior warrior dons the traditional post-circumcision black robes and white face paint.
An observational abstract of seaweed washing onto a beach, brought in by the tide. 24″ x 30″.
Oil paint on canvas
This is a painting I did for the Congressional Art Competition. The painting is of my mother’s horse JR on my last ride on him before he died.
Link to Website
Acrylic on canvas 24″x 24″
Kumari, the living Goddess of Nepal, is not allowed to speak to those who worship her, yet her glowing eyes depict that she has so much to tell us.
A medium exploration of painting on windows screens.
window screens, oil paint
It’s a shame if you did not get around time to see Hoover Tower in different lights.
Abstract photography with the goal of rendering mundane objects unrecognizable.
Quotes from an anonymous survey sent out to student dorms are written on prints of photographs of ducks representing Stanford students
Digital photography prints
A vivid rainbow above the hoover tower
Photograph of nature
This drawing was an attempt to capture my feelings about Stanford: an intimidating fortress of possibilities.
Markers on paper
This piece looks into the intersection of queerness and religion in the age of the internet and digital upbringing.
Interactive Digital Work
A depiction of the Southeast Alaskan landscape, seen from a kayak near the Inian Islands. 25.5″ x 36″
Oil paint on paper
As a landscape photographer, I like to see things in different light. These would represent my personal interpretation of Stanford.
A study of a tree for Drawing I in charcoal, exploring silhouettes and shading.
Charcoal on Paper
I was inspired by a picture I took of my grandfather when visiting Korea for the first time since immigrating to America in 2001.
Oil on Canvas
Vero is a UG2 custodial worker on campus who I tutor through habla. I hoped to display her as I have grown to know her: strong and compelling.
Oil Paint on Canvas
Impressions of animal magnetism and the collective unconscious.
Digital Visual Art
This project was done on a ten-day summer trip to my family’s ranch.
Environmental Photographs
This was a fun illustration that I polished up for International Day of the Girl this year (October 11)!
Digital art
A wristwatch lies across a keyboard, the numbers juxtaposing the letters and a soft, glowing gleam reflecting across its surface.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas