Campus Stories - creative writing
Film director Werner Herzog visits Stanford to talk about literary classic on peregrine falcons
J.A. Baker wrote The Peregrine at a precarious moment in environmental history: By the 1960s, the falcons had almost vanished entirely from the English countryside, thanks to aggressive use of pesticides. Baker’s response, an ecstatic panegyric to peregrines, stunned critics with its originality, power and beauty. The little-known 1967 masterpiece will be the subject of…
NaNoWriMo’s Creator, Chris Baty, Talks Shop
Chris Baty’s ebullient voice and San Franciscan diction convey an excited, restless passion, whether he’s discussing writing or the weather. An author, speaker, blogger, and freelance journalist, he’s perhaps best known as the founder of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). He visited a Stanford course designed around NaNoWriMo, taking notes and listening attentively as students gave…