Campus Stories - Hilarie Faberman

Workers install Three Fold, which hangs from the ceiling of the second floor of the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge. The sculpture, by artist Alyson Shotz, was dedicated May 21.
Campus Stories

A latticework of iridescent color and light

How do you portray space? One possible answer now hangs from the ceiling of the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge. The new sculpture, artist Alyson Shotz’s vision of the skeletal structure of emptiness, was commissioned by the School of Medicine to honor former dean Philip Pizzo, MD. It will be dedicated May 21. Sailing above the…

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Campus Stories

Miwok, Stanford’s monumental outdoor sculpture by di Suvero, moves to a new home

Moving art can get complicated very quickly. Frames aren’t always stable, wires fray, pastels and old paint don’t like movement. Sculptural elements become loose or detached, doorways and halls that were adequately high and wide when moving a piece in are inexplicably smaller when moving out. Large-scale outdoor sculpture often takes complicated to a whole…

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