Campus Stories - Music

Attendees at a Jan. 29 screening of Singing for Justice at Stanford sing folk songs after viewing the film. Photo by LiPo Ching/Stanford University.
Art + Justice

Stanford historian’s documentary coming to PBS in March

Ge Wang wearing a “Rage Against the Machine” t-shirt sits and looks to the side; a thought-bubble next to him reads, “What is the point?”
Art + Tech

GenAI Art Is the Least Imaginative Use of AI Imaginable

Stanford researchers collected the first large-scale 3D hand motion dataset containing 10 hours and 153 pieces of piano music performed by 15 elite-level pianists, along with synchronized audio and key pressing events. | Image: The Movement Lab; video: Ruocheng Wang
Art + Health, Art + Tech

AI could help reduce injury risk in pianists

Meklit Hadero, photo credit: Anthony Chen/Ethography for IAJS
Art + Justice, Meet Artists

IAJS-sponsored visiting artist envisions new, human-centered narratives of migration

A sneak peek at Lisa’s workspace in her dorm room as she works on inking a page of her comic on her iPad.
Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2022-23

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford campus. Projects included dance, conference programming, film, creative retreat, theater productions, wood carving, and shoe design work. AY23 Awarded Projects: Student Arts Grants for VSOs Student Arts Grants for Individual Students (Maker Micro Grant)

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a group of students standing in front of a yellow table with zines and artwork.
Campus Stories

artsCatalyst Grants 2022-23

During the 2022-23 academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 58 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area arts venues, guest speakers (in-person and virtual), and workshops with guest artists. The grants…

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Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2021-22

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of virtual and remote student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford community. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community. Aligned with Stanford policies, the VPA continues…

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Talisman video montage in honor of MLK

Stanford Talisman prepared a special musical compilation for Stanford Redwood City in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The video includes recent performances that reflect on the life and impact of Dr. King, then and especially now.

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Campus Stories

Student musician goes from “The Voice” to Stanford

Over the past several years, Anthony Arya has made a name for himself in the Northern California music scene. But it was his appearance on NBC’s The Voice that exposed him to a national audience. In 2018, Arya was a contestant on season 15 of the popular singing competition show that features celebrities judging promising…

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Campus Stories

STANFORD ARTS | 2019-2020

In April 2020, Vice President for the Arts Harry Elam delivered his final presentation to the Stanford Faculty Senate before assuming the presidency of Occidental College. He said that the arts had informed his work, his scholarship and life at Stanford and that in his various roles he sought to make the arts “inescapable” for…

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Campus Stories

Testimony and Grace: Latest Stanford Live film speaks to a pivotal moment in U.S. history

In Stanford Live’s latest film, Kronos Quartet: Testimony, filmed in Bing Concert Hall earlier this month, Ethio-American singer-songwriter Meklit Hadero delivers a stunning performance of the contemporary folk song “The President Sang Amazing Grace.” Written by Zoe Mulford, “The President Sang Amazing Grace” is about the killing of nine people at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in…

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Campus Stories

Stanford-developed software enables musicians isolated by the coronavirus pandemic to jam together again in real-time

Along with many other forms of human interaction, live musical collaboration has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. Widespread quarantining and social distancing essentially suspended performances that require precise timing among multiple players – everything from classical symphonies and choir ensembles to jazz quartets and rock bands. And playing together online through teleconferencing platforms such…

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Campus Stories

Stanford Live opens the fall season with an original documentary featuring the St. Lawrence String Quartet

On Sept. 27, Stanford Live will kick off its season in the usual way: Executive Director Chris Lorway will welcome the audience and then take a seat to enjoy the performance. Except, this year, instead of gathering in Bing Concert Hall, the audience will be in their homes tuning in to a digital event, settling…

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Campus Stories

And now, a word from the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band

One of the many nice things about working on the Stanford main campus is knowing that the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band (LSJUMB) might show up anytime and anywhere to rock out to the delight of faculty, staff and fellow students. And, chances are, they are all dressed funny. If you’ve been wondering what the Band…

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Campus Stories

Visiting Artist Fund in Honor of Roberta Bowman Denning call for proposals: 2020-21 Virtual Visiting Artists

The Office of the Vice President for the Arts invites proposals for the Visiting Artist Fund in Honor of Roberta Bowman Denning, to support virtual visiting artists for the winter, spring, or summer quarters in 2021. All academic departments and programs at Stanford are invited to submit proposals; proposals that include two or more departments…

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Campus Stories

Stanford Humanities Center 2020-2021 Fellows

The Humanities Center offers residential fellowships for the academic year to Stanford and non-Stanford scholars at different career stages, giving them the opportunity to pursue their work in a supportive intellectual community.

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