Campus Stories - Stanford Arts Institute

Campus Stories

Artist takes performance to new heights at Stanford biological preserve

Visiting artist Ann Carlson is no stranger to unconventional performance sites, including frozen ponds, dairy farms and trains. But her latest project took her to new heights: Stanford’s biological preserve in the eastern foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains. “Picture Jasper Ridge is a way to connect to the history that we stand on. It’s an…

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Visiting artist Ellen Lake discusses her work in the Experimental Media Art Lab.
Campus Stories

Stanford visiting artist Ellen Lake creates a cultural paradox across decades

Ellen Lake discovered a golden age of 16mm film. For a brief period the diacetate Kodachrome film used between 1939 and 1942 produced lush color and appears today perfectly preserved, as opposed to triacetate film that came into popular use in the mid-1940s and did not hold up nearly as well. Lake, a visiting artist at…

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