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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Mechanical Engineering 2018 @arvayooo
This piece was inspired by the many rooftop cafes and stunning views of the Bosphorus River while I was exploring Istanbul on a summer vacation.
Adobe Photoshop Illustration
This piece combines a photograph taken of a mural in Palo Alto with a vintage National Geographic photograph of the same location.
Digital Collage
I painted one piece for each type of binaural beat to test the hypothesis, “distinct beat = distinct effect.” Conclusion? It didn’t really pan out.
Watercolor on Paper
Mice own your belongings at night.
Charcoal Pencil on Paper
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. This piece intends to instill a sense of curious serenity.
Digital Visual Art
This is a painting I did for the Congressional Art Competition. The painting is of my mother’s horse JR on my last ride on him before he died.
Link to Website
Acrylic on canvas 24″x 24″
Often, I find myself missing the changing of seasons. But if I just look closely, signs of autumn are all around.
Nature Photography
A portrayal of the death of Chaos as depicted in the Zhuangzi, who expired after Shu and Hu bored a new hole into him each day for seven days.
Night is when the imagination comes alive.
Digital Illustration
BEAM Stanford-related photos
Digital photographs