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Saturday, October 26
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Jeramiah Winston '19
A series of photo edits of everyday moments at Stanford.
Digital Art
By Jeramiah Winston '19
Taken at Baylands Nature Preserve during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a student and a community member.
This painting is an interpretation of Magritte’s surrealist painting “The Mysteries of the Horizon,” replacing the men with an aging ballerina.
Acrylic paint on canvas
This piece seeks to capture the way people burnout and lose themselves to fulfill the expectations of others.
Digital Illustration
Inspired by individuality and body empowerment. Work focuses on abstraction of human form and color.
Acrylic on canvas
I painted one piece for each type of binaural beat to test the hypothesis, “distinct beat = distinct effect.” Conclusion? It didn’t really pan out.
Watercolor on Paper
This is a portrait of a cat whom I love and cherish.
Oil on canvas
These two small paintings feature a whimsical image that explores feminine sexuality, inspired by the flesh-like quality of oil paint.
oil on cnavs
I was looking for a subject I could depict using my new ink pens, and this sculpture was perfect because it included lots of shadows and some colors.
Ink Pen
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. Here I assemble impressions gathered during my time in Chavín de Huántar.
Digital Visual Art
A cat in a Japanese restaurant.
3D computer graphics