Campus Stories - Stegner Fellows


Stanford Stegner Fellows lead and influence with words

Imagination can be supported. Hands can be guided, and craft can be improved. The workshop can reveal the best a writer has to offer. Wallace Stegner founded the Stanford Creative Writing Program and Writing Fellowships in 1946. (Image credit: Mary Stegner) These beliefs have been the guiding principles of the Stegner Fellows program since its inception…

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Campus Stories

The NEA announced that Edgar Kunz, Stegner Fellow in Poetry, is to receive an individual creative writing fellowship

Dec. 13, 2016 — Today, the National Endowment for the Arts announced that Edgar Kunz, a second-year Stegner Fellow in Poetry, is one of 37 writers to receive an FY 2017 individual creative writing fellowship of $25,000. “The NEA has an excellent record of supporting writers who have gone on to have impressive literary careers,”…

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Campus Stories

Written, read and spoken

The feast of campus literary events through the end of the academic year is enough for even the most ravenous word nerd appetites. Beginning with a pair of events on March 13, the René Girard Lecture by Timothy Snyder, author of Bloodlands, and readings by Stegner Fellows Jacques Rancourt and Austin Smith, and ending on…

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