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Saturday, October 26
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Annie Ng '20
This piece uses classical aesthetics to explore man’s grief and natural processes, exploring the idea that humans can create, inform, and be nature.
Charcoal and Pencil on Paper
By Annie Ng '20
A collage made from mind media upon reflection of a quarter of studying the classics in Stanford’s freshman SLE residential program.
Mixed Media/Collage
A three panel survey of a new environment.
Acrylic on Canvas (Three 5ft x 4ft panels) 60 x 144 in
A study of a tree for Drawing I in charcoal, exploring silhouettes and shading.
Charcoal on Paper
This piece shows how social media can lead to jealously through comparing yourself with what you see on the internet.
Paper, watercolor, tempera paint sticks, gouache, and Photoshop
A little boy reaches out to the diver on the other side of the aquarium glass, encapsulated within this innocent moment of hope and harmony.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
“prayer”, featuring the artist’s grandmother, captures feelings of chaos and anxiety, as well as the calm performed to or provided by others.
Link to Website
Projection Installation
These collages were created from material gathered from a variety of found sources—primarily Life, National Geographic, and Time magazines.
Collage & ink pen
In a knife fight, two versions of me grapple and wrestle for control, but both end up symmetrically and simultaneously triumphant and defeated.
Oil paint on found wood
Self portrait at the height of COVID and my own extraordinary depression.
Oil paint on canvas
This interactive poem takes the shape of a kimchi jar and symbolizes my separation and recent reunion and celebration of my Korean identity.
3D Arduino installation, interactive poetry
Our limbs perform so many tasks yet we rarely take a moment to recognize the inner workings that make these movements possible.
Acrylic tube, yarn, metal hardware, wood, epoxy resin
Girl meets whale.
Digital Illustration
Fractured is a piece that depicts the fracturing of self-esteem, reflecting the experience with social media and detrimental beauty standards.
Acrylic Paint, Marker, and Staples on cardstock photo print
A projection of water drapes over a foot, the painting interweaves the physical and digital sensation.
Oil on canvas
I have a series of three paintings showing scenes from 3 places here in USA which caught my eye.
*sixth photograph of Hidden Gems series
Series of Photographs
Art reveals souls in day and night.
A dynamic clash, emotions entwined,
In this vibrant realm, our spirits aligned.
Digital Media – Made with Procreate for Apple iPad
This piece is an abstract self-portrait linking the internal self and the body to the collective human consciousness.
3D animation (Blender)
Western media creates unrealistic expectations of perfection in avocados. In this painting, I seek to challenge and redefine avocado beauty standards.
This piece explores gender. On the left are stereotypically feminine things, on the right masculine, and in the middle a “beautiful” mix of the two.
Photograph/Scanned Image