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Saturday, October 26
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Felicity Huang '25
Knowledge allows the mind to bloom.
Digital Illustration
By Felicity Huang '25
A depiction of the Southeast Alaskan landscape, seen from a kayak near the Inian Islands. 25.5″ x 36″
Oil paint on paper
These photos will never be published in a journalistic publication – familiar scenes on campus but different, the other side of palm tree paradise?
Photograph of campus scenes
Reflective watercolor painting after a trip to Tokyo.
Video edited from found footage reflecting on the repetition, absurdity, and futility of everyday life. Duration: 05:05
Link to Website
Video Art
Rendering of a modern jazz pavilion, referencing the visual skeleton chord structure of jazz compositions.
Digital Rendering
This series is meant to bring inspiration, energy and presence to the broader community during a difficult time of shelter-in-place and quarantine.
Acrylic gouache on Yupo Polypropylene Paper
Whales and dolphins were my favorite animals when I was younger. In this piece, dark shadows contrasted by blue hues highlight that childhood bond.
Adobe Photoshop Illustration
Taken on a Sophomore College trip to Tanzania, a Maasai junior warrior dons the traditional post-circumcision black robes and white face paint.
Using alternative black and white photography techniques, I tried to illustrate the poems of the Persian poet and painter Sohrab Sepehri.
Black and White photography
“Alien Species” is a browser-based walking tour of the non-native tree species present on Stanford’s campus.
Interactive HTML-coded website designed for viewing on a mobile device