Campus Stories -

Katie Han: Bridging art and design to reimagine the waiting room experience

If at any point you found yourself in the mix of Stanford’s diverse student arts scene over the past four years, there’s a good chance you crossed paths with Katie Han. A senior graduating this Spring from the d.School, Han arrived eager to find community while exploring converging interests in psychology, visual art, and design….

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Blooming Fibonacci

These 3-D printed sculptures, called blooms, are designed to animate when spun under a strobe light. The placement of the appendages is determined by the same method nature uses in pinecones and sunflowers. The rotation speed is synchronized to the strobe so that one flash occurs every time the sculpture turns 137.5º – the golden…

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L.A. Cicero

Stanford students ‘humanize’ a truck for a good cause

The well-used delivery truck came with seats for two. Now it needed sturdy, safe seats for three people and a dog. And the passenger seat had to be removable so mechanics could maintain and repair the engine. That’s just one of dozens of design challenges that must be solved by Stanford students in the Humanize…

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