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Saturday, October 26
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Leela Mahajan '25
Mount Daly in Snowmass, Colorado
Gouache paint on watercolor paper
By Leela Mahajan '25
Our hands – bridges, sinewy tendons & arteries – among the last parts dissected because of their distinctly human character.
Photography; De-identified photo taken for artistic purposes with permission from anatomy professors.
A love letter to passionate yet high-strung and jaded Generation Z, this series focuses on youth’s struggles to find meaning in today’s online world.
Link to Website
This self portrait addresses my invisible disability and the words around me are a mix of medical statements and emotional entries from my journal.
Graphite on Paper
This is a theatrical self portrait. Fractured light plays off a calm, restrained figure, creating tension and a sense of impending violence. 24″ x 30″
Oil paint on canvas
This is a photograph taken of me practicing golf! I particularly enjoy the lighting and the visual interplay between the golf ball and the clubface.
Photograph of Athletics
This series is meant to bring inspiration, energy and presence to the broader community during a difficult time of shelter-in-place and quarantine.
Acrylic gouache on Yupo Polypropylene Paper
You have pomegranate trees in your backyard, well so do I. Your family can’t afford to live in the Bay Area, well neither can mine…You’re just like me
Oil on canvas
This piece depicts how the new digital, photo-sharing era fetishizes Asian women against their will, especially in their traditional attire.
Linoleum Block Print on Paper
These are part of an ongoing series of portraits of people I met in passing. They can be displayed together or individually.
This piece is a manifestation of the growth and maturity, both physically and mentally, found in adolescence. It mimics the flowering of youth.
Photograph of a physical collage (paper, printed image)
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a IntroSem student of the course.
No Description
Watercolor on Paper
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring IntroSem students and Continuing Studies students.
This is a painting of inception as an artist at the Louvre Museum recreates “The Death of Sardanapalus” by Delacroix, a little boy looking up in awe.
Acrylic on Canvas
I wanted to render a tree during a vibrant morning on The Farm from a design perspective.
Ink Resist
generational echos is an interactive art piece created using Processing, delving into the deeply ingrained cultural values in Vietnamese society.
Interactive Video Installation
Inspired by Stanford’s Romanesque architecture and towering palm trees, I wanted to capture the university’s vibrant energy and beauty.
Digital Illustration
History is tied to humanity. There is something heartening about a city that takes pride in its past.
acrylic on canvas
The Andromeda constellation re-imagined, through drawing, through burning holes in paper; how do we impose humanity upon the stars?
Charcoal on paper; flame on tracing paper
Indigo mountains and a somber gray sky are reflected in the clear water of Lake Tahoe.