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Saturday, October 26
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Victoria Lin '27
A commentary on the fifth stage of grief: acceptance.
Acrylic on Canvas
By Victoria Lin '27
This piece grapples with the difficulty of forgiveness. Opposing forces compete: luminosity and shadow, serenity and grief, redemption and regression.
Oil on canvas
Shriram California photos
Digital photographs
Giant ladle meant to represent heaven, a room where everyone figured out that to feed themselves, they have to feed each other. + Harley Quinn’s bat
Wood sculpture, Metal Sculpture. Can also display photos attached instead
An observational abstract of seaweed washing onto a beach, brought in by the tide. 24″ x 30″.
Oil paint on canvas
A three panel survey of a new environment.
Acrylic on Canvas (Three 5ft x 4ft panels) 60 x 144 in
A wristwatch lies across a keyboard with numbers juxtaposing letters, emphasizing how some things are not meant to be rushed and will happen in time.
This is the first of an ongoing watercolor series completed under shelter-in-place, based on photos that friends have sent of their favorite views.
This work is based off of a found photo archive of World War I era battle photographs. It is from a series that investigates the role of the soldier.
Acrylic, charcoal, and india ink on paper
Taken in Alberta, Canada. My hope is not to showcase landscapes but to acknowledge that Earth’s beauty surrounds us.
I painted a face digitally, and I like frames, angels, and rocket ships.
Digital Art
This painting was an exercise to try and use simple, yet bold brushstrokes to capture the essence of the moment.
I drew some random kid I found on a Youtube thumbnail. I think it was an Omeleto video.
Colored Pencil on Paper, Digital
A gray tabby cat with timeless, marble-like eyes filled with stories to tell and lessons to share sits near a bush, encapsulating the spirit of Paris.
Colored Pencil
This self-portrait draws on the iconography of the Virgin of Guadalupe that I, as a latina, have a deeply personal, non-religious, relationship with.
Oil Paint on Canvas
This is a painting for children with scars of violence and broken families. The blue hands are suffocating the girl’s strength to speak up.
acrylic on canvas
Self portrait at the height of COVID and my own extraordinary depression.
I painted a woman who is battered but is pushing herself back up with resiliency. She sends a message of hope to those facing difficulties.
acrylic on wood
Original cover art for the Stanford Daily’s Vol. 257 autumn quarter issue.
Digital Illustration
Lush layers of volanoes, forest fires, tsunamis are interwoven with snarling dogs, invoking chaotic and powerful forces of nature. 30″ x 40″.
Oil paint and thread on canvas
A classic San Francisco house is bathed in orange light at sunset.
Oil paint on panel