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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Symbolic Systems 2026 @krvstcl
This piece depicts how TikTok primarily portrays a fetishized version of Asian women, leading to an uncertain digital future of complicated dynamics.
Linoleum Block Print on Paper
Location: Lathrop 24/7 Study Room
Digital Illustration
This painting is in honor of Ahina and all the women that spend years wishing for a day at school.
46″ x 32”
This painting is an interpretation of Magritte’s surrealist painting “The Mysteries of the Horizon,” replacing the men with an aging ballerina.
Acrylic paint on canvas
Androids may dream of electric sheep, and electric sheep …
I painted a face digitally, and I like frames, angels, and rocket ships.
Digital Art
Quotes from an anonymous survey sent out to student dorms are written on prints of photographs of ducks representing Stanford students
Digital photography prints
Machines roar and metal parts clang away in the background in this artwork as an enormous robot is constructed before the eyes of a young spectator.
Adobe Photoshop Illustration
This self-portrait draws on the iconography of the Virgin of Guadalupe that I, as a latina, have a deeply personal, non-religious, relationship with.
Oil Paint on Canvas
Rendering of a modern jazz pavilion, referencing the visual skeleton chord structure of jazz compositions.
Digital Rendering
This means “my cabbage” in Russian, and the word also means “money”. This was inspired by a photo from r/peopleofwalmart.
Taken at Baylands Nature Preserve during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a student and a community member.
You have pomegranate trees in your backyard, well so do I. Your family can’t afford to live in the Bay Area, well neither can mine…You’re just like me
Oil on canvas
Serenity from within results from letting go.
This series was taken at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum’s Butterfly Pavilion.
Series of Photographs
I use this artwork to ask, “What has become of our childhood innocence?”
ink on paper, collage
A piece set on a quiet, sunny afternoon in Northeast Italy. Used a reference.
Colored Pencil on Paper
This is about alienation and emotional expression as a stone, cold figure looks blankly to a wall of artificial expressions in a room.
Digital 3D Render
Observing simple, everyday practices in a new country and being dumbfounded by them led me to write this piece on everyday norms and practices here Link to Artwork
Oh! The Puppet Show begins! Here I am the puppet master presenting the BOSP Poland Overseas Seminar with my puppet show I made entirely from scratch!
Link to Website
Photograph of Performance