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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Psychology and Economics 2023 @Vedika
Original cover art for the Stanford Daily’s Vol. 257 autumn quarter issue.
Digital Illustration
A fun, surreal piece exploring themes related to the modern food industry.
Watercolor on Paper
This work centers on the relationship between the human and the artificial, inspired when I photographed my cousin with a stark, artificial flash.
Oil and Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Girl meets whale.
This piece explores repetition, but also sense of self (or selves). The title is a quote from Michael Pollan’s “Botany of Desire.”
Vector drawing and photography
This painting speaks to how beauty lies in impermanence, contrasting eternal mountains and passing mist.
ink on rice paper; poetry
Night is when the imagination comes alive.
It’s a shame if you did not get around time to see Hoover Tower in different lights.
Knowledge allows the mind to bloom.
Cool portrait of girl trying to keep in her tears.
I play hide and seek with the scars from a clumsy childhood that my Korean family always told me to hide.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Metamorphosis explores queerness as a transformation, as more than just a sexual identity. See for full article
Studio photography
This is the moment when the smallest to the biggest invisibilities came to life, and unity in faith and science was apparent.
Wax Pastel on Wood
“Alien Species” is a browser-based walking tour of the non-native tree species present on Stanford’s campus.
Link to Website
Interactive HTML-coded website designed for viewing on a mobile device
Isolation, fear, and uncertainty are themes that come up more in our lives, seen through nighttime photos taken in the woods.
This project was done on a ten-day summer trip to my family’s ranch.
Environmental Photographs
SJC redesign – inspired by bold ‘Mod’ textiles, rooted in the London-based 1960’s ‘Mod’ fashion and music subculture centered around modern jazz.
Graphic Design and Print
Contemplating place in the West, while memories of home in the South persist.
Acrylic on Canvas 40 x 30 in
This self-portrait draws on the iconography of the Virgin of Guadalupe that I, as a latina, have a deeply personal, non-religious, relationship with.
Oil Paint on Canvas
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. Here I assemble impressions gathered during my time in Chavín de Huántar.
Digital Visual Art