Office of the Vice President for the Arts
Roble Arts Gym (RAG) Workshops
Learning new skills, meeting new people - creative making at Stanford.
Come join fellow students to learn new creative skills and meet old and new friends. Sign up for the workshops below - all skill levels are welcome.
Let us know if you are interested in teaching a workshop.
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Dance, Healing, and Astrology
Music & Sound Playground
Artist Statements 101: Describing Your Work with Impact
Rhinestones and Bedazzling
Air Clay & Vibes Workshop
Cut & Collage Workshop
Letter to Myself 2025 Workshop
Halloween Make-Up Workshop
RAG Winter 2022 Workshops
Join us for a series of winter RAG workshops.
The workshops will bring creative energy to winter quarter. Each workshop will focus on a different subject, from mixing and mastering to design for social justice and much more.
All levels of experience are welcome!
The workshops will be a mix of virtual and in person sessions. All in person workshops will be held at Roble Arts Gym - dates may change based on university COVID guidelines.
Join us and exercise your creativity!
Mixing & Mastering 101 Workshop with Tyler “EagleBabel” Brooks
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 5-6:30PM | ZOOM A Day In The Life of Cantor & Anderson Collection’s Student Museum Guides WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 4-5:30PM | ZOOM + ROBLE ARTS GYM Design Against Evictions with Legal Design Lab THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 6-8PM | ROBLE ARTS GYMMUSIC with Clarissa Carter (’20)
5/21 | 2:00–3:00PM PDT
Clarissa Carter will be doing a workshop on songwriting and music production. Clarissa is a co-term student, completing a B.S. in Symbolic Systems, a B.A. in English, and an M.A. in Learning, Design and Technology. She will be joined by VPA's Student Engagement Coordinator, Tyler "Eaglebabel" Brooks, for talkback and guest exercises!
DRAWING with Fiona Sandi (’23)
5/15 | 6:00–7:00PM PDT
Woodland Greeting Card:
Come follow along to create a nature-themed greeting card for your distant friends and family members! Paper and pen are all that's needed to bring these cute forest animals to life.
DANCE with Meg McNulty (’20)
VIDEO EDITING with Maxwell Menzies (’23)
5/9 | 12:00–2:00PM PDT
Want to make a movie but don’t have a billion-dollar endowment or access to intellectual property? Now you can!! (and you always could’ve, but they don’t want you to know that ;). I’m Maxwell, and this Saturday from 12-2 pm I’ll be sitting down with you all on Zoom to teach you about the video editing and effects apps on the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. I’ll be answering any questions and giving some tips for those of you who want to know more about Adobe Premiere and After Effects. If you don’t have access to those programs, or want to make movies some other way, I can also help you with stop-motion, animation, and other creative ways of making movies. Hope to see you there! uwu
Didn't find what you were looking for?
You can reach out to Claudia or Tyler with questions:
Roble Arts Gym Contact
Office of Student Productions
Office of the Vice President for the Arts

Claudia Dorn
Associate Director of Student and Campus Engagement

Tyler "EagleBabel" Brooks
Student Engagement Associate