Office of the Vice President for the Arts
Roble Arts Gym – Art Making Spaces
Messy Arts Space (Drop-In)

The Messy Arts Space is a drop-in creative maker space. Drawing, painting and other creative activities are encouraged. We have easels, drying racks, a light board, cutting mats and a limited amount of art supplies (paints, brushes, oil pastels, charcoal, small canvases and paper). We allow oil painting at all times (when we are open) - we supply turpentine but no oil paints.
The space also has a 3D Printer and Vinyl Cutter, which are both free of charge to all Stanford students. Come by and check it out!
Studio Spaces (Reservable/Drop-In)
Student groups can reserve one slot for up to 3-hours per week for the current quarter. Only one member of a group should make reservations. If misused, we reserve the right to decline reservations for the quarter.
The requests will be on first come-first serve basis. You will receive a reply to your request within 2 business days.
Reservation requests can be made through the link below the room descriptions. Please read through the request instructions.
For events and exhibits, please see the reservation request link below.
Rehearsal/Performance Studio

The Rehearsal/Performance Studio is a flexible space, equipped with a full sound system, projector, screen and theatrical lights. It features movable mirrors and a flexible wall system for visual art exhibitions.
We also have a green screen/photo background system with lights for photo shoots in the studio.
Music Room

Jam and record in the Music Room! The music room features an electric drum kit, electric keyboard, and electric guitar and a two-person recording booth.
A training session with one of our specialists is required to use the recording booth. Just drop in during our open times and talk to our staff.
VR Room

The VR Lab is equipped with a complete Vive set up. Students can reserve the room if they have VR experience. For VR novices it is recommended to come to one of the open meetings hosted by Rabbit Hole - Stanford's VR student group. For meeting times, please see the calendar .
How to Reserve a Space
Didn't find what you were looking for?
You can reach out to Claudia or Tyler with questions:

Claudia Dorn
Associate Director of Student and Campus Engagement

Tyler "EagleBabel" Brooks
Student Engagement Associate