Campus Stories - Art + Science


New Stanford student group bridges the arts, sciences and engineering

When two students saw more division than unity between the different academic disciplines on Stanford’s campus, they decided to build a community and call it ArtX. Katherine Yang is the co-founder of the ArtX student organization. (Image credit: L.A. Cicero) Launched in 2017 by Stanford students Ramin Ahmari, BS ’18 and MS ’18, and Katherine Yang,…

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Campus Stories

Stanford physicist makes speed-of-light art

On Oct. 28, THOMAS JUFFMANN, a postdoctoral fellow in physics, will present at Vision+Light: Extending the Senses, an event at UC Berkeley that celebrates the intersection of art and science. Juffmann, who works with Phillip Haslinger of UC Berkeley and artist Enar de Dios Rodríguez of the San Francisco Art Institute, uses advanced imaging technology…

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