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Saturday, October 26
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Cairo Mo '20
A depiction of the Southeast Alaskan landscape, seen from a kayak near the Inian Islands. 25.5″ x 36″
Oil paint on paper
By Cairo Mo '20
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring IntroSem students and Continuing Studies students.
Koreanthian is based on merging different architectural styles that transcends geographical, cultural, and historical differences.
Pen & Ink Drawing on Bristol Paper
An observational abstract of seaweed washing onto a beach, brought in by the tide. 24″ x 30″.
Oil paint on canvas
This painting is a depiction of my first month here at Stanford.
Water Color on Paper
As a landscape photographer, I like to see things in different light. These represent my personal interpretation of Stanford.
These photographs were taken in Aegina, Greece. During ancient times Aegina was a rival of Athens, the great sea power of the era.
Digital Photographs
Body painting is used to simulate the patient-doctor relationship. Imagery is inspired by anatomy and the model’s bodily experiences.
Link to Website
Body Paint on Skin
I made this painting in Iceland as part of my Chappell-Lougee arts project. It is a portrait of a glacier in the glacier lagoon known as Jökulsárlón.
Mixed media (oil paint, charcoal, pastel, grass) on canvas
Stillness, the relationship between Venice’s constant landscape and its moving parts, environments of order that have witnessed extravagant change
acrylic on canvas
This piece looks into the intersection of queerness and religion in the age of the internet and digital upbringing.
Interactive Digital Work
This piece explores duality in behavior: relaxing the tongue can provide a positive experience during kissing, but can prove deadly with sleep apnea. Link to Artwork
A coloring pages for people to color and de-stress:) These pages are part of my project Coloring to Cope for the COVID-19 art grant.
Not sure if this counts, but I created a Stanford logo made from many smaller photos. I can make another one, from more interesting photos.
Digital Photograph
Location: The Claw fountain, White Plaza Part of the virtual 2020 Stanford Gaieties musical scenery.
Digital Illustration
These three prints depict tide pool scenes in Moss Beach, CA. They are part of a series, “From Puddles to Pools: A Showcase of Marine Invertebrates.”
Sea Slug is a woodcut and the other two are etchings.
The central focus of these prints is the vibrant potato starch granule depicted under polarized light and how its shape and colors are manipulated.
Algorithmic Art made with Processing
Taken in Alberta, Canada. My hope is not to showcase landscapes but to acknowledge that Earth’s beauty surrounds us.
This piece explores gender. On the left are stereotypically feminine things, on the right masculine, and in the middle a “beautiful” mix of the two.
Photograph/Scanned Image
A series of poems written exclusively with programming keywords. An investigation on language, audience, and dangerous English-centric thinking.
code poems
A close-up, multi-colored rendering of Eppendorf tubes illustrates that Lab Life is not as monochromatic as it appears.
Oil paint on Canvas