Campus Stories - Dance

On stage, actors depict a sword-fight scene while an AI mimics their movements. | Birgit Hupfeld
Art + Tech

AI brings new potential to the art of theater

A sneak peek at Lisa’s workspace in her dorm room as she works on inking a page of her comic on her iPad.
Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2022-23

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford campus. Projects included dance, conference programming, film, creative retreat, theater productions, wood carving, and shoe design work. AY23 Awarded Projects: Student Arts Grants for VSOs Student Arts Grants for Individual Students (Maker Micro Grant)

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a group of students standing in front of a yellow table with zines and artwork.
Campus Stories

artsCatalyst Grants 2022-23

During the 2022-23 academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 58 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area arts venues, guest speakers (in-person and virtual), and workshops with guest artists. The grants…

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Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2021-22

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of virtual and remote student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford community. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community. Aligned with Stanford policies, the VPA continues…

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Campus Stories

STANFORD ARTS | 2019-2020

In April 2020, Vice President for the Arts Harry Elam delivered his final presentation to the Stanford Faculty Senate before assuming the presidency of Occidental College. He said that the arts had informed his work, his scholarship and life at Stanford and that in his various roles he sought to make the arts “inescapable” for…

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Campus Stories

Visiting Artist Fund in Honor of Roberta Bowman Denning call for proposals: 2020-21 Virtual Visiting Artists

The Office of the Vice President for the Arts invites proposals for the Visiting Artist Fund in Honor of Roberta Bowman Denning, to support virtual visiting artists for the winter, spring, or summer quarters in 2021. All academic departments and programs at Stanford are invited to submit proposals; proposals that include two or more departments…

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Campus Stories

Stanford Humanities Center 2020-2021 Fellows

The Humanities Center offers residential fellowships for the academic year to Stanford and non-Stanford scholars at different career stages, giving them the opportunity to pursue their work in a supportive intellectual community.

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Campus Stories

artsCatalyst Grants 2019-20

This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 33 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area cultural organizations, workshops with visiting artists, and attending performances. 2019-20 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients Why is Climate Change…

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Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2019-20

This year’s VPA Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of student-initiated collaborative projects across the Stanford campus. Projects ranged from photography, documentary and narrative film, zines, musical theater, dance, contemporary plays, and inviting renowned artists for exhibitions and artist talks serving the student community.  Students and their project teams represented a wide range of…

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Campus Stories

Winter quarter 2020 guest artists

The roster of winter quarter guest artists includes talent from around the globe. Melbourne Australia’s Choir of Trinity College performs with the Stanford Chamber Chorale; Chinese dance legend and renowned choreographer Yang Liping presents her reimagined production of Rite of Spring to Memorial Auditorium; Maqueque, a collective of female artists from Cuba led by Canadian Jane Bunnett,…

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Campus Stories

artsCatalyst Grants 2018-19

This past academic year, the Office of the Vice President for the Arts awarded 27 artsCatalyst Grants to faculty members from across the University. These grants foster arts experiences that enhance classroom experiences for undergraduate students. Activities included field trips to Bay Area cultural organizations, workshops with visiting artists, and attending performances. 2018-19 artsCatalyst Grant Recipients Interpreting Art (ITALIC 92), Karla…

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Campus Stories

Student Arts Grants: A Year in Photos 2018-19

 vvcThis year’s Student Arts Grants supported a wide range of projects across the Stanford campus. The projects covered many genres including contemporary plays, documentary and fiction film shorts, musical theater, zines, photography, sculpture, and more. Many of this year’s grantees utilized Roble Arts Gym as a rehearsal/work space as well as a venue for their exhibits and…

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Chocolate Heads perform Chocolate Ball for Polymaths. A performance of dance, music, and book art created for the opening of "Leonardo's Library: The World of the Renaissance Reader" in the Green Library Rotunda.
Campus Stories

Leonardo da Vinci is celebrated at Stanford’s Green Library

Chocolate Heads Movement Band, a genre-defying student performing arts group put on an unconventional and unexpected performance in the rotunda of Green Library’s Bing Wing for the opening reception of the exhibition Leonardo’s Library: The World of a Renaissance Reader, on view through Oct. 13, 2019. Under the direction of Aleta Hayes, a lecturer in…

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Campus Stories

Ram’s Head brings The Addams Family, living, dead and undecided, to Stanford

From casting to set design, Stanford’s Ram’s Head Theatrical Society takes advantage of the diverse talent on campus to present their perennial spring musical. This year’s production is The Addams Family. The Addams Family musical takes the humorously macabre characters drawn by cartoonist Charles Addams and places them in an original story on stage. Wednesday Addams, a…

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Campus Stories

Stanford Live’s 2019-20 season will explore the intersection of art and politics

Stanford Live’s curators have put together a 2019-20 season of multidisciplinary events that intersect music and performance with politics. “A key role of the artist is to reflect a society back upon itself and that political context and content is a crucial part of this storytelling process,” says Chris Lorway, executive director of Stanford Live….

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Campus Stories

Spring quarter 2019 guest artists

Over 30 departments, centers and campus organizations host guest artists each quarter. The Architectural Design Program and the University Architect/Campus Planning and Design Office co-present the annual Architecture & Landscape–Spring Lecture Series, and the theme this year is “Architecture of Humanity.” The series features five designers who believe architecture has a much greater responsibility beyond aesthetics….

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