Art + Science
Stanford University has a strong and varied offering of interdisciplinary courses and programs that combine art and science.
At Stanford, the arts and sciences connect through large-scale projects, specially designed courses, and faculty and student initiatives. This page offers an overview of art + science activities and courses at Stanford.
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Featured Courses
Previous Featured Programs
2023-2024 Academic Year
- EJ + Arts Map sharing ongoing environmental justice and arts work happening across campus. Developed by Ayoade Balogun with the Environmental Justice Working Group.
- The EJWG is supporting commissioned work around environmental justice themes by composer David Lang. Partner: Laura Evans, Director of Programming and Engagement at Stanford Live.
- The Environmental Justice Film Festival is holding four screenings of EJ films over the course of winter and spring.
- The Stanford Arts Institute and Bio-X are hosting generative creative writing workshops led by poet Richard Kenney, which will take place here on Stanford campus from 11am-1pm (lunch provided) on Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3, 2024
Featured Projects
Want to get connected?
Reach out to Ellen or Edi with questions:

Ellen Oh
Director of Interdisciplinary Arts Programs

Edi Dai
Program Associate