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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
sociology 2020 @eli_firebender
Taken in Alberta, Canada. My hope is not to showcase landscapes but to acknowledge that Earth’s beauty surrounds us.
I drew some random kid I found on a Youtube thumbnail. I think it was an Omeleto video.
Colored Pencil on Paper, Digital
Shriram California photos
Digital photographs
An exploration of the intergenerational and varied manifestations of Japanese internment on the self, the body, the family, and language.
acrylic and mixed media
These collages were created from material gathered from a variety of found sources—primarily Life, National Geographic, and Time magazines.
Collage & ink pen
The rising sun in the bay turns typically unaesthetic man-made transmission towers into a beautiful contrast of light and dark.
These pieces draw on the rich beauty of Italy to subvert ideas of what Italian art must be (i.e stuck in the Renaissance).
Pen and Marker
In a pre-show photoshoot for my roommate’s student classical Indian dance ensemble, Noopur, she “breaks character” during a pose.
A self-portrait composed of identity objects: rings from my mother, the teapot on my coffee table, the graphic on my favorite t-shirt, etc.
Digital Collage
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a IntroSem student of the course.