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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Computer Science 2019 @soundsliketrish
This is a surreal meditation on nature’s comforting power as a sanctuary for people in need of healing.
Pencil on paper
A study on ephemeral hands, and an attempt to capture desperate grasping.
Gesso on card.
This piece shows how social media can lead to jealously through comparing yourself with what you see on the internet.
Paper, watercolor, tempera paint sticks, gouache, and Photoshop
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. Here I assemble impressions gathered during my time in Chavín de Huántar.
Digital Visual Art
Reflective watercolor painting after a trip to Tokyo.
generational echos is an interactive art piece created using Processing, delving into the deeply ingrained cultural values in Vietnamese society.
Link to Website
Interactive Video Installation
This piece depicts how the new digital, photo-sharing era fetishizes Asian women against their will, especially in their traditional attire.
Linoleum Block Print on Paper
This is a portrait of a cat whom I love and cherish.
Oil on canvas
At Bay is a student-created web series about the launch of a Stanford startup that goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Still from a web series
This delves into the detrimental beauty standards that social media apps promote through the use of filters and algorithms (that favors symmetry).
Tempera paint, cloth, alcohol markers on Canvas
A close-up, multi-colored rendering of Eppendorf tubes illustrates that Lab Life is not as monochromatic as it appears.
Oil paint on Canvas
I created this piece in order to show a city full of life in contrast to one that is merely an outline.
Acrylic on Paper
This photography series depicts the four indigenous Khmer women at Stanford, invisibility, and the consequent strong community we formed.
Photography Series
I captured this while camping in Colorado. Upside down the sunrise reflected in the mist covered water reminded me of Earth’s curvature from space.
Digital Photograph
An observational abstract of seaweed washing onto a beach, brought in by the tide. 24″ x 30″.
Oil paint on canvas
Sea Glass is a poem I wrote in high school about fearing going to college. I transformed it into a book with watercolor paintings and text designs.
Art book
An experiment with my visual synesthesia, which imparts color on 2D shapes. This piece intends to instill a sense of curious serenity.
De-identified photograph taken for artistic purposes with permission from anatomy professors.
I was inspired by a picture I took of my grandfather when visiting Korea for the first time since immigrating to America in 2001.
Oil on Canvas
A sculpture paying homage to the queer community and culture. Delicate like a flower, yet distinct like an explosion. Trans bodies at the center.
Wood Sculpture