Campus Stories - Film

Silhouette of man with gun amidst vinyl records.
Campus Stories

Stanford scholars spy history of capitalist culture in Bond film songs

In the lead-up to Spectre, the latest film in the decades-long James Bond spy thriller franchise opening this week, much of the recent buzz has centered on another long-running 007 tradition – the title song. Amidst all the speculation about who would sing the new Bond song, Stanford scholars Adrian Daub and Charles Kronengold wrote…

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Yuto Watanabe
Campus Stories

Spark! Grants: A Year in Photos 2014-15

From a rock band record release to Steve Reich, from Much Ado About Nothing to original, student-written musical theater, this year’s Spark! grant supported creative diversity across Stanford campus. These student groups, individuals, undergraduates, and graduates enliven the campus with their artistic endeavors. 2014-2015 Projects: SImps Workshops The Long Way Around The Benevolent Institution Proof…

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(Photo: Linda A. Cicero / University Communications)
Campus Stories

Congratulations 2014-15 graduates!

Go forward and remember the words of your Baccalaureate speaker and civil rights leader Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. who said that the world was calling out for you to realize your talents – not just for your own gain – but also to lift up those in whose shoes, but for the grace of God,…

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Campus Stories

Summer Plans

It’s June, which means the campus is preparing for Commencement: The fountains are being coaxed out of hibernation, student prizes are being awarded, and the now-annual Senior Arts Gala is taking place at Bing Concert Hall. This year’s gala promises a showcase of some of the most talented performing and visual artists of the Class…

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Campus Stories

Unexpected intersections

Far-flung collaborations flourish at Stanford: Physicists create dance performances, biologists and musicians expand our understanding of epilepsy, and engineers speed environmental research. This interdisciplinary environment springs from having strong science and humanities departments adjacent to a thriving arts district and is aided by research institutes that cross school and department lines. These collaborations blur traditional…

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Campus Stories


It’s May at Stanford and that of course means – an exciting smorgasbord of arts activities. Every weekend is packed with an abundance of arts options. Make some difficult choices – or attend them all! Here is just a sampling of what each weekend brings: May 1-3: Musical Happy Hour with Fleet Street and Chanticleer…

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Campus Stories

For Stanford Symphony Orchestra, The Planets align

For two nights, the Stanford Symphony Orchestra took center stage at Bing Concert Hall to perform The Planets by Gustav Holst. However, this was no ordinary production. An enormous projection screen, featuring images from around the solar system, accompanied the orchestra. The piece is broken into seven movements, with each movement corresponding to a particular…

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Campus Stories

Stanford lecturer nominated for Oscar in documentary short category

Silver might beget gold for documentary filmmaker and Stanford lecturer J. CHRISTIAN JENSEN, MFA ’13. In June 2014 he won a silver medal from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Student Academy Awards for his film White Earth, a winter portrait of North Dakota’s oil boom seen through unexpected eyes. Jensen is now…

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Campus Stories

Blooming Fibonacci

These 3-D printed sculptures, called blooms, are designed to animate when spun under a strobe light. The placement of the appendages is determined by the same method nature uses in pinecones and sunflowers. The rotation speed is synchronized to the strobe so that one flash occurs every time the sculpture turns 137.5º – the golden…

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Campus Stories

Documentaries by Stanford affiliates to show at international film festival

The 17th United Nations Association Film Festival, an international feast of documentaries, will run Oct. 16-26 at various locations on Stanford’s campus and at other local venues. The theme of this year’s festival is “Bridging the Gap,” and films include a range of settings from Syria to Stockton. Topics run the gamut from dance and…

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L.A. Cicero
Campus Stories

Inspiring Stanford humanities majors to consider business careers

On a recent summer morning, a lecture hall at Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) was filled with students from around the world who were ready to analyze the fall – and subsequent resurrection – of an American kidney dialysis company. To prepare for the lecture, titled “A Deep Dive into Company Culture,” the students…

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Campus Stories


Campus Stories

Stanford offers online creativity course featuring Warner Music Group artists

Stanford University has launched Creativity: Music to My Ears, a free, massive open online course (MOOC) teaching creative problem-solving skills through the lens of music. Taught by Stanford Engineering Professor Tina Seelig, the course features contributions of Warner Music Group artists, songwriters and executives. Participating artists include Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park, Nate Ruess from…

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Campus Stories

Screendance: A New Visual Language

The film program “Screendance, A New Visual Language” features seven award-winning short dance films from around the world including artists from Germany, Scotland, Sweden, Tibet and the U.S. The program is on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7:30-9 pm in Annenberg Auditorium, Cummings Art Building, 435 Lasuen Mall. It is free and open to the public. Screendance,…

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The Freedom Fighters.
Art + Justice

Stanford filmmaker aims to reveal injustices of wrongful convictions

When Jamie Meltzer touches down in Dallas to film scenes for his upcoming documentary Freedom Fighters, he never quite knows what to expect. On one visit, he interviewed exoneree Johnnie Lindsey in his backyard at the break of dawn. “The sun was coming up and he just sat there listening to birds and trains and all…

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Campus Stories

Seven Thesis Films

Stanford, CA – The Department of Art & Art History’s MFA Program in Documentary Film and Video at Stanford University is pleased to present Seven Thesis Films on Saturday, June 15, 2013 at 2 PM in Annenberg Auditorium.  The screening will feature the thesis work of seven graduating MFA students: Sarah Berkovich, Yael Bridge, Seamus…

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