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Saturday, October 26
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Tyler Su '20
India to America. When the kids go to school everyday, they can see our own school, and not feel so far, despite being halfway around the world.
Enamel Paint
By Tyler Su '20
This is a theatrical self portrait. Fractured light plays off a calm, restrained figure, creating tension and a sense of impending violence. 24″ x 30″
Oil paint on canvas
Taken on a Sophomore College trip to Tanzania, a Maasai junior warrior dons the traditional post-circumcision black robes and white face paint.
Reflective watercolor painting after a trip to Tokyo.
I took this photo at the Palo Alto Caltrain station in the fall. I used black ink and a black and white filter to provide an “outside of time” look.
Digital Photograph
My artwork is a sonnet in which two stars reminisce about Earth. Link to Artwork
Taken at Baylands Nature Preserve during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a student and a community member.
A portrait of a good dog.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
Taken at Felt Lake during one of the field trips of MI 70Q: Photographing Nature, featuring a IntroSem student of the course.
This self portrait addresses my invisible disability and the words around me are a mix of medical statements and emotional entries from my journal.
Graphite on Paper
Episode 1 of an upcoming mystery micro-film series
Link to Website
Short Film
I took this photograph in a forrest in Germany. I wonder what the dog is doing right now.
Color Film
In a pre-show photoshoot for my roommate’s student classical Indian dance ensemble, Noopur, she “breaks character” during a pose.
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Watercolor on Paper
Western media creates unrealistic expectations of perfection in avocados. In this painting, I seek to challenge and redefine avocado beauty standards.
Oil on canvas
A sketched self-portrait replaced into its photographic context.
Graphite on Paper, Photograph
Quotes from an anonymous survey sent out to student dorms are written on prints of photographs of ducks representing Stanford students
Digital photography prints
This is an image of a mushroom found on a trail off Old La Honda Road. I wanted to create a mystical yet comforting feeling surrounding the mushroom.
How does the lover’s gaze interpret and transform the body? What does it mean to paint the beloved intimately yet leave them unidentifiable?
Acrylic on canvas
Experimentation with natural forms and light.
A mother lamb takes gentle care of her newborn.
Oil Paint on Canvas