Inter-Arts Minor

Interdisciplinary Arts Minor Core

Inter-Arts Foundation Course (3-4 units)

The foundation requirement allows students to engage with the theory and/or practice of interdisciplinary art. Courses that meet this requirement will A) build students' competence and curiosity across an array of art forms and mediums through analysis and/or creative practice; B) investigate art-making as a means of exploring and responding to non-art disciplines; and/or C) explore the intersection and multidirectional impact of new technologies and creative practice.

Strong examples of courses to fulfill this requirement include:

  • ARTSINST 101: Introduction to the Arts: Interdisciplinary Axes of Art
  • ARTSINST 142: Drawing with Code
  • ARTSINST 220: Accessibility, Neurodiversity, and Immersive Experience Design
  • ARTSINST 151 (CSRE, ETHICSOC, STS, SYMSYS, TAPS, AFRICAAM): Ethical STEM: Race, Justice, and Embodied Practice
  • ANTHRO 54N: For Makers and Thinkers: How to Use Art in Research and Vice Versa
  • ARTSTUDI 165A: Intro to Art and Technology
  • FILMEDIA 6: Media and Mediums

  • MUSIC 123I: Music, Art and Intermedia

  • MUSIC 155/ ARTSTUDI 239: Intermedia workshop

Alternatives to fulfill this requirement may be approved by the Faculty Director. Please discuss details during your study plan meeting.

Inter-Arts Experiential Course (3-4 units)

The Experiential course will allow students first-hand access to an array of art forms through Arts Immersion and ITALIC classes.

Strong examples of courses to fulfill this requirement include:

  • ARTSINST 11Q:  Art in the Metropolis (3 units)
  • ITALIC 91/92/93: Immersion in the Arts (up to 4 units)

Students may also combine a two-unit arts immersion or 2-unit arts-focused Bing Global Seminar with a 1-unit reflection course (ARTSINST 20AX) to fulfill this requirement. Examples of 2-unit arts immersions & Global Seminars include:

Alternative means of fulfilling this requirement may be permitted with approval of the Faculty director.

Senior Capstone

The minor culminates in a senior capstone that provides the opportunity to use this knowledge in the creation of a significant year-long project combining the critical and creative thinking they are learning. Students may fulfill this requirement in one of two ways:

A) Students may design an inter-arts capstone project to be completed within the senior workshop series (ARTSINST 200A, B & C:  Interdisciplinary Arts Capstone Workshop) for two units per quarter, for a total of 6 units.

B) Students who may apply to complete an Honors in the Arts creative thesis within the senior honors workshop series (ARTSINST 201A, B & C) for a minimum of two units per quarter. Students who pursue this option and wish to receive the IHN "Honors in the Arts" in addition to the Inter-Arts Minor degree must also complete 6 additional units of coursework, to be approved by the faculty directcor. Please consult with your SAI advisor for more information


Interdisciplinary Arts Electives

13-15 units, for a total of 27 units

The remaining units of the 27-unit minor must be satisfied by elective courses from at least two departments that encourage the interdisciplinary/intermedia ambition of the minor. To declare the minor, students must develop a coherent study plan of electives, focusing on one or two disciplinary intersections, so that the student is well-prepared to complete an interdisciplinary creative capstone in their senior year. All electives must approved by the Faculty Director. Please contact Jessi Pipert for any questions.

View a list of potential electives here.



Inter-Departmental Mail Code



(650) 497-9905


(650) 723-8231


Stanford Arts Institute
Littlefield Center
2nd Floor
365 Lasuen Street
Stanford, CA 94305