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Saturday, October 26
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Student Artist
Symbolic Systems 2019 @niusteph
I catch lightning bugs, flitting moments often overlooked, and bring attention to them, so that they might spark a lightbulb in the minds of others.
MultiMedia(Charcoal and Colored Pencil)
This is a painting of inception as an artist recreates a Delacroix masterpiece, “The Death of Sardanapalus” with a little boy looking up in awe.
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
This is a picture a created from 40 raw pictures I took of the same fruit cup. Compiling all 40 images into one allowed me to show everything in focus
Digital Photograph
Isolation, fear, and uncertainty are themes that come up more in our lives, seen through nighttime photos taken in the woods.
Link to Website
A cat in a Japanese restaurant.
3D computer graphics
This piece is an abstract self-portrait linking the internal self and the body to the collective human consciousness.
3D animation (Blender)
Collage exploring feminist and bioethical discussions of reproductive technologies. Previously featured at the Medicine & the Muse Student Symposium. Link to Artwork
This piece is a manifestation of the growth and maturity, both physically and mentally, found in adolescence. It mimics the flowering of youth.
Photograph of a physical collage (paper, printed image)
A close-up, multi-colored rendering of Eppendorf tubes illustrates that Lab Life is not as monochromatic as it appears.
Oil paint on Canvas
The great horned owl is found at Stanford and throughout the Americas and is named for its distinctive ear tufts.
machine embroidery on cotton fabric
A fantastical city illustrating a water-based transportation system.
Digital painting
This is a painting I did for the Congressional Art Competition. The painting is of my mother’s horse JR on my last ride on him before he died.
Acrylic on canvas 24″x 24″
Rendering of a modern jazz pavilion, referencing the visual skeleton chord structure of jazz compositions.
Digital Rendering
As a landscape photographer, I like to see things in different light. These photos represent my personal interpretation of Stanford.
Koreanthian is based on merging different architectural styles that transcends geographical, cultural, and historical differences.
Pen & Ink Drawing on Bristol Paper
Aluminum CNC machined monstera leaf inspired bottle opener. I promise it looks better than it sounds.
The piece is inspired geometric subdivision, tessellations and fractals, fusing representations from Chinese, Japanese, and Japanese symbolisms.
Laser Cut Birchwood
A self portrait done in the style of the Old Masters.
Oil Paint on Canvas
Not sure if this counts, but I created a Stanford logo made from many smaller photos. I can make another one, from more interesting photos.
The image gradually becomes extremely unrecognizable yet “perfect,” through the use of filters, as determined by the golden ratio of beauty.
Acrylic Paint, Photography, and Photoshop on Cardstock